
On "vacation". . .

I'm posting these in reverse order so that if you scroll from the bottom up, everything will be in chronological order. These paintings were done in spare moments in between a drive to Washington D. C. to help my sister move into her apartment there. I suppose that these are purer, but also sloppier due to the quick nature and time alotted. ( I usually only had about a half hour here or there for each). I'm proud of myself for actually doing them, considering driving for about 8 straight hours and everything else going on. This lamp was in the lobby of the hotel that I drew before we checked out.

These are my mother's wedding rings. At least that's what I think they are. Anyway done in bed before passing out our first night in Washington.

Done on thursday while waiting at the train station for my parents to pick me up. The hard, darker wash of color is actually the table behind it.

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