
I like. . cheese?

i scanned the painting and everything. I just didn't upload it. oops.

This piece is actually a clay sculpture made by my first art teacher , Chris Guzman, to tease some teacher who i had never met. Anyway, so one of our projects was to draw our hand really well, so i drew my hand holding this thing. It was probably my best piece from the year (freshmen year of high school). Later that year it was accepted into the junior, senior high school art show in Munster, Indiana. I was the only freshmen out of my school accepted, as well as one of possibly only a dozen from my school ( other schools had much more). Long story short, this helped me move to my first inklings that I might be able to succeed at this path. Guzman left the school that semester, and "raffled" off all his stuff in the room. I was last, and worried that I wouldn't be able to get the sculpture that started it all. But it ended up that he had intended to give it to me anyway. I lost touch with the guy, and I wish that I could find him again to show him that I still have this thing. Although, senior year he came to my school to see me and check out my portfolio and he said "i'm very proud of you." or something to the effect of me being talented and what not. And those are the way I carried into college.

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