

The other day I was giving my friend a pep talk. It involved talking about what it means to be an artist or rather like a style for being an artist. When I was younger (i'm only twenty one) I was obsessed with becoming more stylized. I saw all these artists, Oscar Jimenez, Mike Wieringo, Neal Adams, Humberto Ramos, etc, and recognized them for the way they drew. As I got older, I realized that a style isn't something that's force. I suppose its something that just inches it's way out of your heart unto the paper/canvas/microphone/guitar. Jimi Hendrix's music just came out that way. . I mean sure he was studied, as I realize that knowledge of the norm, or of the real is most important in being able to break the rules. I always hear from my contemporaries about how they have to work on a style and everything, But i feel like my style is just coming out on its own. If anything I've always worried about subject matter, feeling myself as sometimes more contrived than others. I talked once to Mat Barber Kennedy and he said that often we don't find a subject matter we really know until later in life. So I've stopped worrying about such things. As much as I don't like Nike ( i'm an adidas fan) "Just Do It" seems appropriate in life. In either case, as much as careful planning and thinking is important, a lot of times it comes down to just getting right to it.

I look back on my past summer, and towards the future ( My senior year at the American Academy of Art) and am happy that I've accomplished so much on my own. I hope to continue what I've been doing for years, and I among most, desire to never have to work in a service job again, I want paint all day long. I want to be in touch with art for the rest of my life, without having to worry about whether or not I have a shift covered or not. I try never to ask God for anything, I've never been a Church-going man, But I do ask him for the strength to go on. I ask for the support I need to keep my head up, so that I can accomplish this under my own power, without waiting or asking for some miracle.

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